🌙 Silver Moon Sales®️

Swirl customers deeper into your offer solar system, get them clicking on your sales pages, & maximise the value of each purchase so you can sell what’s sat on your website once in a silver moon (aka every single day!).

Create a new offer. Sell it. Then plop it on your website, never to see the light of the moon again.

Making something new is exciting, and it usually comes with a burst of creative marketing energy! You’re thrilled to share your shiny new offer, and so your audience snaps it right up.

But after that initial launch? All that fun, creative energy fizzles out — and you’re back to square one.

After doing that a few times, you’re left with a whole solar system of offers that you’re not sure how to sell.

Your previous creations are collecting digital dust.

And while you might do a once-a-year whole-website discount, host a one-off flash sale, or get a random Stripe notification every few months...

… you secretly wonder if all your incredible past products could be selling more than just once in a blue moon.

What if you could keep creating stellar offers that your audience loves, and

🌝 easily swirl people into your solar system, drawing them deeper and deeper into all the gorgeous layers of your business

🌝 get those people excitedly clicking over to your sales pages while they think, “oooh, what’s this? And they have something about that, too?!”

🌝 open *at least* one new sale notification email every day (with the lovely dopamine rush of getting to see which of your star offers was purchased this time!)

… all because you have a galaxy’s-worth of “set it and forget it” strategies that are always working in the background to support you.

Hi, I'm Lizzy! 👋

I’m a multi-offer online business strategist who loves to experiment, have fun, & teach about the unique strategies that I’ve tried in my business.

Those strategies I mentioned? I’ve been experimenting with them for ages, and they’ve been doing realllly well!

So well, in fact, that I’ve made at least one new sale (nearly*) every single day since 6th September 2022.

*I didn’t make a new sale on 30th January or 19th April. I was on vacation with my family both times and had I noticed would have definitely been able to rustle up a sale! Oh well - my point still stands!

The best part is, they’re all things I set up ages ago and do very minimal upkeep on.

So whether I’m supporting my students, spending time with my family, or eating vegan junk food with RuPaul’s Drag Race in the background...

… all of these tactics are working to make me sales once in a silver moon. 😉

While lots of people have tried to reverse-engineer bits and bobs of my system, no one’s quite seen the full picture - until now!


🌙 Silver Moon Sales®️

The 12-month program designed to help you sell what’s sat on your website once in a silver moon (aka every single day!).

Inside Silver Moon Sales™, you’ll get:

The Silver Moon Sales™ Framework training, where you’ll learn about the three core categories the strategies fall into: 🎁 Offers 🎁, 🚦Traffic🚦, & 💸 Sales 💸
8+ Moon Missions, each designed to help you implement an evergreen strategy that will optimise your offers, boost your traffic, or maximise your sales.
Monthly Guest Expert Training on a topic that I’m not well-versed in or a strategy that I don’t use (but that could be a great fit for other businesses) *Starting August/September 2023*
Quarterly Get It Done Week 💪 to complete a specific Moon Mission. Includes promo to my full list if you get it done. (People love these - check out the testimonials below!)
Access to five of my courses: Small But Mighty $9 Offers ($9), The Lazy Guide to Street Teams (aka Affiliate Programs) ($197), Client/Student Only Groups FTW! ($297), Simple Marketing for Always-Open Memberships ($97) and The Tripwire Training ($47).
Private Facebook Group so you can get support from dedicated Success Coaches, connect with your fellow students, & celebrate your sales streaks!
Built-in motivation to implement so you can have your very own Silver Moon Sales Streak. The honorary title of Silver Moon Streaker(!), along with some fab prizes, are yours once you’ve achieved 27 consecutive days with at least one new sale!

Questions You Might Have

How do you know that the strategies you’re teaching will work for my business?

The strategies I’ll be sharing & your biz are a match written in the stars if...

🌚 you’ve created & sold at least 3 courses, digital products, or trainings

🌚 you’re confident creating offers, selling online, & delivering your products

🌚 you still want to create new things & launch, but would love to make sales of your older offers more than once in a blue moon, too!

However, you’ll want to skip this program if any of the following are true:

👉 you only sell 1:1 coaching packages or done for you services

👉 none of your offers can be sold evergreen due to live elements

👉 you’re wanting to learn how to create a digital shop rather than selling your offers individually. It's fine if you already have a digital shop or are learning to create one elsewhere - Silver Moon Sales®️ work well with them, it's just not what I'm teaching in this program. 

I really don’t want to add any complicated funnels to my business. Is that what you’re going to teach me?!

Definitely not! Silver Moon Sales®️ is NOT about:

🚫 going all-in on a big, signature offer for which you plan massive, time-consuming, exhausting launches️

🚫 setting up a complicated, ads-fueled evergreen funnel

🚫 showing up (& tiring yourself out) with IG stories, Reels, or TikToks every day

Don’t get me wrong, those strategies work for some entrepreneurs.

But they’re just not sustainable for most of us — especially if you’ve got caring responsibilities, low spoons on most days, or have a brain that’s wired a bit differently.

The goal of Silver Moon Sales®️ is for you to layer “set it and forget it” evergreen strategies into your business. No complicated funnels, tiring launches, or making yourself show up on social media required.

How do the Moon Missions work?

When you first join, you’ll complete the core training about the Silver Moon Sales®️ Framework. After that, you’ll be able to select your first Moon Mission in any of the three core categories: 🎁 Offers 🎁, 🚦Traffic🚦, or 💸 Sales 💸.

Each Moon Mission focuses on learning & implementing a single strategy. Since each strategy is “set it and forget it” style, you’ll go through the Moon Mission content, implement, and then move on to the next (and see the sales roll in over time!).

There’s no particular order to the missions & you’re free to request access to whichever you’d like to do next! With 3-5 Moon Missions in each core category (plus the Guest Expert Moon Missions), you’ll have plenty of strategies to layer in to your business.

As I experiment with and develop new strategies, these will be added in as new Moon Missions for you to complete. 

What will the monthly guest expert trainings look like?

The guest expert trainings will be on a specific 🎁 Offers 🎁, 🚦Traffic🚦, or 💸 Sales 💸 topic that I’m not experience in or qualified to teach.

These will start in August/September 2023 - I've confirmed the first 9 guest experts. 

What’s the Silver Moon Sales®️ Streak Challenge?

Ooh, I’m so excited about this bit!

Not counting the new moon, there are 27 silver moons each month. So when you have 27 consecutive days with at least one new sale, you’ll have a Silver Moon Sales Streak!

Once this happens, you’ll become a Silver Moon Sales®️ Streaker and get a sweet prize pack. The prizes are a secret for now, but I promise you’ll love ‘em.

Will I get any direct access to Lizzy in this program?

While I’ll be popping in and out of the private Facebook group from time to time, there’s no 1:1 support included in this program.

If you do need help, you’ll be able to ask one of my dedicated Success Coaches inside the private Facebook group! They’ll be around to offer guidance, answer your questions, and cheer you on à la Lizzy.

Can you give me the rundown of what’s included again?

Silver Moon Sales®️ includes 12 months of access to:

✔️ The Silver Moon Sales®️ Framework training

✔️ 10+ Moon Missions to help you implement new evergreen strategies

✔️ Monthly Guest Expert Training on a strategy I’m not well-versed in

✔️ Quarterly 'Get It Done Week 💪' to complete a specific Moon Mission. 

✔️ Private Facebook Group led by dedicated Success Coaches

✔️ The chance to complete the Silver Moon Sales®️ Streak Challenge & win a sweet prize pack

✔️ Access to Small But Mighty $9 Offers, The Lazy Guide to Street Teams (aka Affiliate Programs), Client/Student Only Groups FTW!, Simple Marketing for Always-Open Memberships and The Tripwire Training.

I don't think I'm ready for Silver Moon Sales®️...

Not to worry! If you're earlier on your course/training/digital product creation journey, definitely check out The 10 Day Offer: Created, Launched and Sold. instead. This is the exact process I used to create like 90% of my ecosystem of offers

Once you've created a few courses/trainings/digital products, you'll be in a great position to join Silver Moon Sales®️ when doors next open. 

I have another question that you haven’t answered yet.

Send me a message via the chatbox in the bottom right-hand corner! I’ll get back to you via email shortly.

Forget once in a blue moon — you can make sales once in a silver moon (aka, every single day!).

Yes, really. And yes, without spending tons on ads, wearing yourself out, or forcing yourself to fit the usual online biz mould.

Ready to swirl customers deeper into your offer solar system, get them clicking over to your sales pages, & maximise the value of each purchase?

Applications are now closed.

Please fill the form below to be notified when doors next open.

In the meantime, you will also receive my sporadic, super valuable newsletter type emails about all things online business, including products and services I think you might like. You can unsubscribe any time.

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