Business-changing question for online service providers & coaches who are still trading their time for every cent they make:

What’s the only difference between passively adding a couple hundred to your bank account each month... and hustling to sign another client to cover your upcoming bills? 

If you guessed creating a “passive” offer that you have to launch again and again, you’d be wrong.

If you guessed blogging and keyword researching non-stop, you’d be wrong.

And if you guessed…

▸ Throwing together a resources page on your website and hoping someone will eventually click on it 

▸ Trying to figure out the finer details of the perfect Pinterest strategy

▸ Or taking on a dreaded side hustle...

You’d (thankfully) still be wrong!

You started your online business for more freedom, more income, and more time.

But frankly, you don’t feel like you’ve hit on any of them just yet. It always feels like there’s a trade-off. 

If you have more time, you’re using it to sign clients or create offers that you aren’t sure anyone will buy. All the while, your upcoming bills are nagging you. 

If you sign more clients, you have more money… but suddenly, the color-coded blocks on your Google calendar are filling up, and you’re wondering where all that time and freedom went. 

This is usually where big-time coaches, gurus, & bro-marketers say, “just create a passive course that sells like hotcakes!”

Here’s the thing though: a course is far from passive. They can be ton of work without any guarantee of success. 

You can spend hours upon hours doing market research, planning, recording, and setting up all the backend funnel magic…

And you still can’t be sure it will actually add income to your business.

Plus, you have to create content to promote it, write sales page copy, pay for fancy software, and add an extra page or two to your to-do list every time you launch the dang thing.

There’s a better way to add a noticeable bump to your income each month, and it doesn’t take hours and hours of work.

It’s two words that make most online business owners feel a little squicky: 

Affiliate marketing.

If you think affiliate marketing is gross, spammy, sleazy, or the epitome of bro-marketing tactics, well, you’re not wrong. 

There are pushy affiliate marketers who won’t stop spamming your inbox. They’ve convinced everyone that affiliate marketing is inauthentic, inappropriate, and downright yucky - because that’s precisely how they approach it. 

But at its heart, affiliate marketing isn’t any of those things. 

It’s about being the super helpful, super awesome, needle-moving friend to your online business pals - no inauthentic link spamming required.

And the best part is, affiliate marketing doesn’t require blocking off hours of time. It can be woven into your day-to-day work without much noticeable effort on your part. ✨

While you’re doing #allthethings in your business, you don’t have to worry about adding yet another complicated task or content strategy to your to-do list.

In fact, you can be downright lazy about it and still make extra income each month sharing the tools, courses, and software you love. 💸

I brought in an extra $135k last year through affiliate marketing with my lazy, set-it-and-forget-it strategies.

Just in case we haven’t met - hi, I’m Lizzy! 👋

Shortly after dropping out of my master's program in 2013 due to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I discovered the magical world of online business. In 2015 I set myself up as a VA and then went on to become one of the first four ConvertKit Certified Experts.

My business has morphed over the years from done-for-you services to coaching/strategy, and courses/digital products. 

Through it all, I’ve taken loads of courses and tried just about every software tool. I started sharing those that moved the needle in my business as a way to help other entrepreneurs - and found that I could lazily add affiliate payouts from $3 to $10k+ to my bank account. 

My lazy way to affiliate marketing has even put me on the affiliate leader board for some big industry names, like…

🏆 3rd on the leader board for Selena Soo’s Impacting Millions launch in 2021 - which helped me land a feature in Forbes!

🏆 3rd on the leader board for Lisa Johnson's One To Many launch in 2023 - making over 90 sales of a £1997 program

🏆 5th best affiliate for Denise Duffield-Thomas in 2015, despite having no list at the time.

🏆 Top 25 ConvertKit Affiliate - ya'know, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income.

🏆 Over $103,000 in lifetime commissions from ConvertKit, including a single payout of over $9,900.

🏆 One of the top affiliates for numerous businesses including Hello Audio, ThriveCart, Leonie Dawson and Zach Spuckler.

🏆 #3 affiliate in The Contract Shop's Mid-Year Sale 2021 - after sending just one email. 

🏆 Top affiliate for the One Woman Shop Solopreneur Success Bundle in 2017 - including top affiliate for 3 of the 5 days of promotion!

🏆 Referred over 100 new members to Liz Wilcox's Email Marketing Membership - yay recurring commissions!

🏆 2nd for most leads generated for Rebecca Tracey's Uncage Your Business launch in 2017.

(I’m always bemused when I get these leader board emails—my success with these launches is 100% lazy affiliate marketing.)


The Lazy Guide to Affiliate Marketing

The course that teaches you how to add a noticeable bump to your bank account each month without resorting to any slimy marketing tactics or adding tons of extra work to your busy schedule. 

(I have two toddlers, chronic illness and ADHD, so you know I’m not faffing about with strategies that are ineffective or take up lots of brainpower!)

Module 1: Affiliate Marketing 101

Ring the school bell, because you’re ready to learn what affiliate marketing can do for your business! We’ll discuss what affiliate marketing is, why it’s an excellent additional income source, and the different types of affiliate programs available. Most importantly, we’ll go over how to make sure your affiliate marketing efforts never come across as gross or spammy. 

Module 2: Getting Started

Time to set yourself up for lazy success. Here you’ll decide which affiliate programs to sign up for, get clear on the legalities of sharing affiliate links, and discover my favourite lazy tools to make this whole thing easier and more profitable.

Module 3: Easy Affiliate Marketing Strategies

The juicy part! Here you’ll learn 9 (yes, 9!) super simple strategies to start receiving those sweet, sweet PayPal notifications from affiliate commissions. They all require minimal effort to set up and will repeatedly generate sales from your links, set-it-and-forget-it style.

Module 4: Getting (a tiny bit) More Organized

You’re ready to graduate and participate in bigger affiliate launches (I’m looking at you, Digital Course Academy and B-School). This module covers simple things you can implement to stand out from all the other affiliates and secure your spot on the leader board.

Throughout: Mini-Challenges for Max Results

This only works if you do the work, so in true lazy style, I’m making it super easy for you to take action. This course includes two checklists and 8 mini-challenges to get you implementing the things you’ve learned in 1-2 hours max.

What's Included:

Immediate access to all 4 modules of the course, which you can quickly go through in an hour or two.
2 checklists and 8 mini-challenges to get you taking action and earning a commission ASAP—even if you’re a beginner.
Download the lessons to your fave podcast app and listen on the go.
Lifetime access to the course and all updates. I keep discovering ways to make affiliate marketing easy and fun and totally non-icky, and have already done a complete overhaul of this course twice!
Invite to my private client/student Facebook group, Team EBG's Party Pad.

Plus, these four bonuses

to help you craft your lazy affiliate marketing strategy & take action right away: 

No Audience? No Problem. - A mini lesson/checklist on where to start if you have no list/audience.
Email Marketing & Affiliate Marketing = 🔥, a 24-minute training from my Email Rockstars course
Impacting Millions 2021 Launch Debrief, where I share exactly how I came 3rd on Selena’s leader board (right behind Lisa Johnson and Laura Belgray!), and made over $50K in commissions.
Credit To Your Businessan action-packed mini course that shows you how to start cashing in on the wealth of opportunities when you start offering 'credit’ in your business.


(or 6 monthly payments of $90)


“Before the course, I was a bit 'meh' about affiliate marketing. I thought it would take more effort than I'm willing to make. However, the training was laid back and swiftly actionable. I can get creative with how I approach affiliate marketing - it's not all sleaze and shameless plugs!

- Daire Paddy

"The Lazy Guide to Affiliate Marketing is the most straightforward easy-to-implement training in affiliate marketing I've come across (and in 10 years of making money online, I've taken a lot of courses!)" 

- Laura Robinson

"Thank you, Lizzy, for encouraging me to do something easy that I have been long in resistance to. There's literally no reason not to add affiliate income to your business, no matter what you do or who you are."

- Asha Wild

"I now have an overall awareness of how putting several (or all!) of these ideas together really could lead to regularly recurring affiliate income. 🤩

Sign up and immediately block off time to work through the course, take notes, and another period of time to implement. It's SUPER do-able!"

- Angel Sullivan

"As someone who doesn't want to spend all my time marketing and selling, I loved the lazy ideas for adding affiliate income into my business in a way that can grow over time! There were more affiliate ideas than I had ever thought of on my own, and Lizzy really simplifies the process of getting started with affiliate marketing!

If you are even considering trying the whole affiliate thing, you need this course! Even if you only try a handful of the ideas, you'll be sure to make your money back quite quickly :)"

Jessica Haines

“I wanted to drop you a quick line to say that, since purchasing your course, I've got two affiliate payouts from a hosting company I recommend. I've never had anything from them in the couple of years I've had them listed on my site, and the funny thing is I've done absolutely nothing to market it! So your Lazy Guide works even when you do precisely nothing. 😀

- Sally Tudhope

"I feel really excited about affiliate marketing now! I love that it doesn't have to be hard or a huge, elaborate thing!

- Indigo Colton

"Great course, can't wait to start implementing all I've learned so far and report back!"

- Carina Lawson

"The course is super valuable and I've learned a lot about affiliate marketing from this course and it's given me the kick up the arse I need to get on with creating this as an income stream in my business. Thanks Lizzy!"

- Jenni Schanschieff

"I started with no idea how to start implementing affiliate income and left with a list of immediately actionable items that add a revenue stream just from being more thoughtful and intentional about how I share what I'm doing. And even better- there's strategies and tactics that are aligned with how I want to treat my clients. There's a way to affiliate marketing that I can be comfortable with."

- Laura Willson

"I loved the idea of infusing affiliate marketing more organically into my business vs a restrictive blogging strategy. If you're at all curious about affiliate marketing but feel lost about how to go about including it in your business, Lizzy's training is the way to go!

- Michelle Pontvert

My Lazy Affiliate 14 Day Guarantee

Affiliate marketing might not be something you've considered before. And I totally get it if, after going through this course, you decide it isn’t relevant for your business.

That’s why The Lazy Guide to Affiliate Marketing has a 14-day refund policy. If you sign up, take a look through the course, and you're just like, "oh god, I can't see any way to make this work for my business!” then I'll refund you in full as long as you let me know within 14 days.

Please note this refund policy does not cover a change of mind. If you request a refund we will ask you for feedback on how the course didn't meet your expectations so we can improve our marketing messaging in future. Please see the full Terms and Conditions of Use for more info.


(or 6 monthly payments of $90)


Frequently Asked Questions 

I’m not a blogger and don’t want to be a blogger. Are you sure this will work for me? 

Yes—that’s the whole point of my lazy affiliate marketing style! I blog a little, but it isn’t even close to my main affiliate activity, and it doesn’t have to be on your list, either. 

The strategies I’m teaching in this course are about weaving affiliate marketing into the work you’re already doing rather than adding a new content strategy to your plate.  

I’m new to online business and have no list, no website, and no social media following. I need those things to make affiliate marketing work, right??!

Nope! Inside The Lazy Guide to Affiliate Marketing, I'll show you the strategy I used to be Denise Duffield-Thomas' 5th-best affiliate when I had no list, and I'd just started as a VA 4 months prior. 

I'm not special. I don't have secret superpowers. In this course, I'm teaching you things you can weave into your business from the very beginning to steadily build up your affiliate income as you start to get subscribers, clients, and customers.

I AM SO BUSY. How much time do I need for this?

There are so many ways to incorporate affiliate marketing into your business (which I cover in the course). Some obviously take more time than others, but it can be as little as 5-10 mins, a couple of times a month.

Like anything, the more you do, the better the results. But for me, at this point, I'm spending maybe 5 hours a month specifically on affiliate marketing and getting the kind of results I am.

Affiliate marketing is hands down the easiest way I know to make money. I say it's worth finding little bits of time for!

Isn’t affiliate marketing scammy and gross? 

I don’t feel scammy and gross. Do you think I’m scammy and gross?? I really hope not. 

I only recommend products I personally use or have direct experience of, and I recommend them to my business friends (and real-life friends!) without being pushy, squicky, or inauthentic.

And here's the thing—I get people actively asking me if I have affiliate links for stuff every week, like this: 

That wouldn't be happening if what I was doing was scammy. Everything I teach in The Lazy Guide to Affiliate Marketing is all about value, trust, and relationships.

Does this really work for done-for-you services providers, coaches, consultants, and course creators? 

You betcha. Think about all the tools, software, and programs you use in your business—most of them have affiliate programs that you could join! Sharing those with your biz friends helps them and helps you. No change in business model required. 

Will this teach me how to set up an affiliate program for my courses/digital products?

"On our call, you mentioned how you make lots of money with affiliate marketing without even trying. And you gave me the tip of… [join the course to find out!]. That was genius! It's like...why didn't I think of that before?! It has made it very clear to me which things to focus on for affiliate sales.” 

- Sarah Guillot

"I always thought that affiliate marketing only works for influencers who have huge followings. I'm so happy that Lizzy proved me wrong!

I'd never considered becoming an affiliate as part of my business strategy to bring in extra income. But thanks to Lizzy, I'm now obsessed with it! I've got lots of simple but highly impactful strategies in my back pocket that I can use to generate a new income stream that takes no time at all to implement."

- Ira Kadir

“I have so many ideas now! I've got a whole list of programs to sign up with, and things to do to regularly promote affiliate offers to my audience. It feels so much easier and doable now. I used your tip during a Cyber Monday sale, and I got 6 sign-ups! I've already gotten so much out of this course. Thank you for creating it. You presented this info in such an easy to understand way that I think even beginners would walk away feeling like they could do this.” 

- Sarah Anderson

“This course will walk you through out how to get started in affiliate marketing in an easy, low-effort way. There are a lot of different ways to approach this income stream and it can work for all different personalities. Lizzy makes it really easy to get started.

- Jessica Williams

"You made it all sound so straightforward and logical - I actually thought 'I might be able to do this'!

Then as I internalised the lessons, I started to see all kinds of places and ways I could use it. It's the first time I've really seen ££££ potential for my business in a way that doesn't fill me with dread.

This course makes something that sounds tricky, easy to understand and easy to action.

- Gina Holmes

"I booked an Affiliate Strategy Session with Lizzy just as I went into an affiliate promotion where it felt particularly important to me to do a great job. I’d already started the promotion, but parts of the plan were not sitting quite right with me. As a result of Lizzy’s laser-sharp thinking and smart suggestions, some of my ideas were changed 360 degrees, and I left the call feeling so much better about my plan.

As a result of this session, and doing some key things very differently than I had in previous affiliate promotions, I was astounded when I finished 2nd on the leader board. This was ahead of a number of quite heavyweight influencers whose reach was immense in comparison to mine. Which just shows the power of a great relationship with your community combined with a smartly thought out approach to the promotion – and Lizzy is just the person to help with that.

That hour spent with her paid for itself not just in affiliate commission and prizes, but also in the improved relationship and standing I have now in the eyes of the person I was promoting. Happy all round!” 

- Catherine Watkin

By now, you already know that...

the only difference between adding extra passive income to your bank account and hustling to sign more clients is (lazy) affiliate marketing.

Join The Lazy Guide to Affiliate Marketing today, so you can start getting paid for sharing the tools you love—without any sleaze, extra work, or significant changes to your business.


(or 6 monthly payments of $90)


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